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What are microgreens?

Writer's picture: Everyday Micros FarmEveryday Micros Farm

"Microgreens? What's that?" We often get confused looks when we share with others what we grow. Microgreens often get confused for sprouts or baby greens, but their structure, nutrient profile and harvest time makes them unique from a lot of other vegetables.

Quick Facts About Microgreens:

• They are older than a sprout, and younger than the adult vegetable

• "Microgreens are composed of three parts: a central stem, cotyledon leaf or leaves, and a pair of young true leaves" (Uyory et al. 2018).

• "The major difference among sprouts, baby greens, and microgreens is harvest time. Baby greens are generally harvested at 2−4 in. for 15−40 days, while microgreens are harvested right after their youngest leaves appear." (Uyory et al. 2018).

•"In general, microgreens contain greater amounts of nutrients and health promoting micronutrients than their mature counterparts."Microgreens are unique and have many health benefits that are distinct to them too.

What's great is they're so easy to use and can be paired with any meals. You're not restricted to a salad or side dish. You can enjoy your vegetables in so many more ways! 


  1. Uyory,Chloe, Liangli, Lucy Yu, and Thomas T.y. Wang. The Science Behind Microgreens as an Exicitng New Food for the 21st Century,The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Volume 66,2018,Pages 11519-11530

Note* This article is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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